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Fix “This plugin not supported” error in Goole Chrome

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Google Chrome is one of the best browsers. It helps you to search fast and makes you secure, but instead, it creates an error called “This plugin is not supported,” which reduces the use of Chrome Day by day. Because while searching, this error occurs a lot in the browser. There are mainly five reasons why this error occurs. So, by fixing those reasons, we can get rid of the “this plugin is not supported” error. If you guys are here, then you may want to know something about “chrome.” So, today we will teach you “How to fix the ‘this plugin is not supported’ error.


  • Use the following steps only in your Chrome browser.
  • Allow these steps to fix the “this plugin is not supported” error only.
  • Perform these steps according to how they are given.

How do I fix the “this plugin is not supported” error in Chrome?

Chrome is one of the best browsers provided by Google, but instead, it, has an error “This plugin is not supported,” which can be caused by the following reasons: We can fix this error by fixing the occurring reasons for this error in the specified steps.

Enable flash in Chrome

When we insert a plugin, it says it is not supported because of the unavailability of Flash Chrome. So, we have to enable Flash in Chrome, which can be done using the steps below:

  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. Go to the site that you want to visit.
  3. At the left of the web address, click on the lock button.
  4. Now, at the bottom, click Site Settings.
  5. In the new tab, to the right of “Flash,” click the down arrow Allow.
  6. Go back to the site and reload the page.

Update Flash Player

This is one of the reasons for the “this plugin is not supported” error. While enabling Flash players, it is also necessary to update Flash players. Here are the steps to update the Flash player.

  1. 1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. 2. Then, search for Chrome://components.
  3. 3. After that, find Adobe Flash Player.
  4. 4. Click Check for updates.
  5. 5. If you see “Component not updated” or “Component updated,” you’re on the latest version.
  6. 6. Go back to the page with the Flash content.
  7. If it doesn’t open automatically, at the top left, click on Reload.

Clear cache and data

To get rid of the “this plugin error is not supported,” you also need to clear the cache and data from Google Chrome. So, these are the steps to clear the cache and data, as given below:

  1. Open your Chrome browser.
  2. Then, click on the three-dot button in the top right corner of the screen.
  3. After that, click on Settings.
  4. Then, click on Privacy—clear browsing history.
  5. Under clear browsing history, tick only cached data.
  6. Then, click on Clear data.

Update Google Chrome

It is mandatory to update Chrome to solve the problem of “this plugin is not supported.” It is very easy to update Chrome by using the following steps, as prescribed below:

  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. At the top right, click More.
  3. Then, click on Update Google Chrome. (If you don’t see this button, you’re on the latest version.).
  4. Hence, click on the Relaunch button.

Try the Internet Explorer extension in Chrome.

You will be able to fix the plugin-not-supported error by using the Internet Explorer extension in Chrome. For that, you need to use the IE tab. You have to perform some of the steps prescribed below:

  1. Open Chrome and click on the link below to go to the IE tab webpage.
  2. Then, click on the Add to Chrome button in the top right corner.
  3. Upon confirming the new extension pop-up, click the Add button.
  4. Click the IE Tab icon in the Chrome toolbar and, if prompted, download or save the IE Tab Helper (which is published by Blackfish Software to maintain IE Tab’s compatibility with newer versions of Chrome).
  5. Now, at the Chrome download security prompt, select Keep.
  6. To download, right-click on ietabhelper.exe and select run as administrator. (It is needed for the first time only.)
  7. Then, click on installation.
  8. After that, close Chrome entirely or open a new tab.

NOTE: If ietabhelper.exe doesn’t install, then download ietabhelper.MSI from the below link.

Conclusion: Collectively, Flash players are affected by these five reasons. So, take care of these five things to enable Flash Chrome.

The FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q. What does it mean that this plugin is not supported?

Ans. This means that the connection you have plugged into your PC is incompatible or unsupportable with your desktop.


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