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How to Uninstall OneDrive from Windows 11

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OneDrive Service comes in-built with Windows 11, and it is enabled by default to sync your files and for backup. It quickly gets filled, so if you wish to disable sync, it gets enabled so often, which fills the space on our drive. It is quite frustrating to deal with it today; in this article, we will be sharing how you can uninstall or install OneDrive using WinGet on your Windows 11.

What is WinGet?

It is a command-line client that helps you automate some processes like searching, downloading, installation, upgrading, and the like. It also allows you to download, install, or uninstall OneDrive, Microsoft Team, VirtualBox, and more. So without further ado, let’s check it out.

How to Install OneDrive Using Winget

  • Open the Windows Run dialogue box (shortcut key: Windows + R).
  • Type CMD, and then press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to open Command Prompt as an administrator
  • In the CMD window, type widget search for OneDrive, and hit enter to execute.
  • Next, type Winget and install Microsoft.OneDrive and hit enter to execute.
  • Wait for it to finish the installation.

This is all you have to do for the installation of OneDrive using the WinGet command in CMD. It will download and install OneDrive from the Windows Package Manager; that’s it. Let’s see how you can uninstall OneDrive using the WinGet command.

How to uninstall OneDrive using Winget

  • Open the Windows Run dialogue box (shortcut key: Windows + R).
  • Type CMD, and then press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to open Command Prompt as an administrator
  • In the CMD window, type winget uninstall and hit enter to execute.
  • Next, type winget install winget uninstall Microsoft.OneDrive and hit enter to execute.
  • Wait for it to finish uninstallation.

That’s it; OneDrive will be uninstalled from your computer. 


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