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What does Inting mean in League of Legends?

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Riot Games’ popular title, “League of Legends,” launched in 2009 as a multiplayer online battle arena game. Among the numerous terms you might have heard, “Inting” is a hidden term still unknown to most LoL players. Interestingly, Inting does not originate from League of Legends but is connected to Riot Games’ titles.

Specifically, Inting means “intentional feeding,” an activity where a player purposely loses the game for their entire team. This act gives the opposing team extensive experience, paradoxically decreasing their chances of winning the battle. Let’s dive deeper into what Inting is all about.

What Does Inting Mean in League of Legends?

The word “inting” has no clear origin, but LoL’s huge competitive scene might have introduced it to cope with their ranking system. Rankings in LoL involve an emotional connection to the game, and when a player loses such emotions, terms like “tilt” and “inting” come into play. Initially, “Int” meant dying willingly, and over time, it evolved into “Intentionally Feeding.”

Inting is a concept where the opponent feels they will win the battle, but the player doing it has a strategy. While inting is just an optional term in LoL, some in-game elements support players in doing it. This misconception has disturbed Riot Games’ business model and influenced negative thoughts in players’ minds.

Inting became more prominent when popular streamers like Tyler1 supported it through their Twitch streams. Although Tyler1 was a challenger-level ADC, he promoted Inting through his streaming activities. As a result, players who idolized Tyler1 began to emulate him. Riot Games eventually banned Tyler1 for such behavior, but he later reformed and reduced his toxicity.

How do I enter League of Legends?

Inting is the act of deliberately dying in front of the opposing team. There is no definite way to int, but you can take multiple actions as a reference. For example, you might run directly into enemies without using weapons to fight back, essentially performing foolish activities like killing yourself. This is how you can enter League of Legends.

How Can I Prevent Inting?

Preventing Inting is challenging, but some valuable points might help you stay away from such toxic behavior. Inting is a negative activity that sometimes even forces professional players to engage in it. If you suspect someone is in trouble, try to avoid befriending them. Building a positive relationship might discourage them from acting against you.

Additionally, you can report Inting behavior directly to Riot Games. If you feel the urge to Int in LoL, try to remain calm and play again. Keeping a fresh mind will increase your chances of victory. Always think positively when facing toxic activities.

Soft inting has the same meaning as inting, but the player’s intention to lose is more subtle. Inting is a term influenced by popular streamers, so be aware of such players and approach them kindly. If it doesn’t work, report them to Riot Games.

Final Thoughts

Inting is a complex and controversial aspect of League of Legends. While it can be frustrating to deal with, understanding its origins and how to handle it can help improve your overall gaming experience. Have you ever encountered Inting in your games? Share your experiences in the comments below!


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