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How to Uninstall Apps and Programmes in Windows 11

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If you find any unwanted application or software, you may want to remove it from Windows 11. This post is going to be helpful for you. Windows 11 has in-built functionality to uninstall, remove, or delete programs. The procedure is identical to that for Windows 10; you don’t require a third-party uninstaller to remove applications or software from Windows 11. Before proceeding, you should know that there are two different types of applications in Windows 11.

  • Desktop App
  • Windows App

Desktop apps are those applications installed by users, whereas Windows apps come pre-installed, which users can’t uninstall, remove, or install using the Installation Wizard.

Uninstall apps from Windows 11.

Native uninstaller on Windows 11 includes both UWP (Windows Universal Platform) and standard desktop applications.

  • Open Windows Settings (shortcut key: Windows Key + I).
  • After that, head over to Apps from the left panel.
  • Click on Apps & Features to appear on the right panel.
  • From there, you can search for the app you want to uninstall.
  • Click on the three vertical dot menu, and then choose the uninstall button.
  • Follow the Uninstallation Wizard and wait for it to finish.
  • That’s it!

Uninstall apps from the Windows 11 Control Panel.

It is identical to Windows 10, using a built-in uninstaller from the classic program and feature menu.

  • Open Control Panel from Start. Search for Control Panel.
  • Go to the program, and then click on Uninstall a program.
  • Choose the app that you want to uninstall; click on Uninstall/Change.
  • Please wait for the uninstallation process, and that’s it!

Uninstall apps from the Windows 11 desktop app

This is the most efficient way to uninstall Windows 11; you can uninstall directly from the Start pop-up.

  • Open the Start Menu
  • Go to All Apps, or choose the apps that you want to uninstall.
  • Right-click on the app, and from the drop-down menu, click Uninstall.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to uninstall
  • That’s it!

There were several other methods to uninstall or remove apps or programs from Windows. Windows 11 was announced with some major optimizations to improve stability, bring a refreshing UI, and bring privacy and security to the OS. Meanwhile, you can use a third party to remove a program from Windows 11, likewise Revo Uninstaller, IObit Uninstaller, and Ashampoo Uninstaller.


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