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With Google Stadia refunds, Ubisoft will let you transfer your Stadia...
Google has announced that their cloud gaming platform Stadia will be shut down on January 19th of next year. Until then, you can play...
Epic Games released a demo for the popular Solana game, Star...
One of the popular Solana games based on a space-themed strategy called Star Atlas has become a proven title for gamers and investors. Star...
Swachh Bharat hack: 16 million user data leaked
The Government of India's Swachh Bharat (Swachh City) program, which aims to raise awareness among people to eliminate open defecation and improve solid waste...
PornHub’s Instagram account is permanently disabled on Instagram.
Pornhub’s official Instagram account was permanently removed, and the account was initially disabled for a week. Instagram says Pornhub has repeatedly violated policies regarding...
WhatsApp announced a new feature, “WhatsApp Call Links.”
WhatsApp is a one-stop place primarily used for instant messaging, including audio and video calls. Earlier, WhatsApp calls were done through the contacts you...
Microsoft Confirmed: Now Explore Halo 3 Classic Map “The Pit” over...
Halo Infinite Maps are already stuffed with exclusive items, each map having a significant identity. It is a dedicated Halo series where players can...