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How to Reset the Windows Terminal to Default Settings?

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Windows Terminal comes with a lot of major customization options if you have customized your Windows Terminal and somehow you want to reset Windows Terminal. So, today we will help you reset the Windows terminal to its default settings.

Why reset the Windows Terminal?

Windows Terminal doesn’t have a dedicated setting like other applications, so it is quite complicated to perform your own.

  • Open Windows Terminal, and then click on the small down arrow icon placed in the upper-left corner of the window.
  • There, you have a list of various options. Click on Settings, and then a new window pops up, so select Notepad from there.
  • Once the Settings.json file appears in your notepad, all your customizations will appear in the JSON file within the notepad.
  • Delete all the customization, and then click on the File option and save it.
  • Close Notepad, and then close the Windows Terminal.
  • That’s it, and your Windows Terminal will be reset to its default value so far.

You have saved the default settings so far, and now you can re-start doing customization on your Windows terminal. 


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