
55,00PUBG Mobile has rollout there latest version of pubg Mobile 0.19.0, Where the game receive a new classic map called Livik. Meanwhile, the rollout starts and will be complete across all nation today night. If you haven’t updated your game now, just head over to the google play store or Apple app store to update the game to the latest version.

PUBG Mobile Livik Map launched

PUBG Mobile Livik Map launched with 15-Minutes match along 52 Players in Classic
PUBG Mobile Livik Map launched with 15-Minutes match along 52 Players in Classic

Therefore, the main highlight of the game was its new classic map. The new map called Livik, and this was the exclusive pubg mobile classic map where it designed for a close intense match with over 52 players within 15 Minutes of the classic map.

This map will deliver some most used weapons with unique P90 SMG and MK 12 Marksman rifle. Therefore, the game also brings an new vehicle known as the Monster Truck for instance.

PUBG Mobile Livik Map

On the other hand, the game also brings a brand new Royal pass for the Season 14, The royal pass isn’t available to purchase the royal pass will be available to purchase on July 14th. However, the new royal pass theme likely to be on Egyptian Gods introduces to some new skins, Cosmetic based on the theme.

Therefore, there were some rumors about the new pyramid in the classic game mode. Notably, the game will have an Ancient Secret Game mode on the map of Miramar and Erangle both. Moreover, the game also includes a RageGear and Payload modes, but the Bluehole has been removed.

PUBG Mobile Livik Map

Furthermore, the FourVSFour match will be available to play on July 31. According to reports, the game is also going to the partnership with Yamaha for this season so you can expect new motorcycle vehicle skin in the game. For those who going to update their game will receive 2899 BP, 100AG and 3 days limited Nightmare helmets.

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