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PUBG Mobile gets new diamond currency and how to get it

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Finally, Pubg Mobile has announced a new currency in the game called Diamonds. It was UC cash, used for opening crates, leveling up vehicles, and upgrading weapons and skins. The testers of the 0.18.0 beta version of Pubg tested many new features, but the most suitable feature is the latest diamond currency.

The new diamond is the same as UC Cash but allows you some unique features. And it is estimated that it will be the global version in the first week of May. So, it is a new concept of publicizing a change in currency. But, due to the addition of a new currency, many players need to learn how they can get it and, if they can, what will be best. So you do not need to worry about it. We will tell you how you can get diamond currency and its uses.

How can we get this new diamond currency in public?

Players can get these diamonds by completing the various tasks and missions and staying there for 10 minutes. If you are more eager to get diamond currency, you can purchase it through your UC cash. Even Royal Pass users will receive extra diamonds as rewards when their RP level increases.

Note: The diamond missions list is currently available in the Daily Challenges tab of Pubg Mobile Beta. 

What is the use of diamond currency?

The diamond currency will be able to ban definite items. For example, if you want to draw premium crates, you can use this diamond currency to ban ordinary items. Also, you will have more chances to win exciting rewards when you withdraw premium credits. You are also able to ban items that you already have.


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