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How to download APK files from the Google Play Store on your PC

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Android Package Files (APK) is a type of archive containing all the programmes in the package. As with an APK file, you can tweak it according to your preferences, but there is no such option in the app. A lot of the time, we need APK files instead of apps. There may be an incompatibility issue, a storage issue, or any other specific reason shown in the Google Play Store. Today, downloading APK files from the Google Play Store to your PC is very difficult.

The idea of downloading APK files through the Google Play Store can be a bit confusing for a newbie. The reason is, that the Google Play Store is a collection of apps, so how can we get APK files from it? We started researching it because it is needed a lot. Through our research, we found a way to download APK files from the Google Play Store. In addition, we can also use a few other methods. So, let’s have a look at all of them.

How to download APK files from the Google Play Store on your PC

Honestly speaking, there is no way to download APKs from the Google Play Store. Instead, there is a website called “APK Support” that can download APK files from the Google Play Store. The only thing you need to do is copy the URL of that application and paste it on the APK support page. By following the on-screen instructions, you can install any APK file from the Google Play Store. Below are instructions for installing APK files from Google Play.

  1. On your PC, visit the Google Play Store.
  2. Select the app for which you wish to download the APK file from there.
  3. Copy the URL of that app to your PC’s clipboard.
  4. Then, go back to the homepage of your browser.
  5. Visit the app’s support/app download page.
  6. Copy and paste the above-mentioned URL into the given URL field.
  7. Click on the Analyse button, and you will see the APK file for that app shown here, along with the available different versions.
  8. Click on that APK and then on the download button.
  9. That’s it. In a moment, your APK file from the Google Play Store will be downloaded.

Additionally, you can access third-party app stores if you want to get more applications. In today’s time, there are plenty of third-party app stores available on the app store. As far as we are concerned, Aptoide, APK Mirror, and APK Pure are the most recommended ever. From their website, you need to download a third-party AOP store (like Aptoide). Then install it. Once it is done, you can download any app from there.

It is my understanding that third-party app stores will give you your favourite apps’ APK files. However, I would suggest that you can extract APK files from an existing app. It is now possible to extract APK files from an app. Moreover, there are plenty of ways to do it, but here you will find the best. We are sharing the most reliable way to extract APK files from an app.

  1. Open the Google Play Store and search for “APK extractor with fast support.”
  2. Then download and install that application on your device.
  3. Open APK extractor and fast support 
  4. Choose the app for which you wish to download the APK file from the application list.
  5. Next, click on the extract option.
  6. After that, it begins extracting the APK file for that app and saving it to your internal memory.
  7. That’s it. You now have the APK file of an existing app.

To conclude, getting APK files was previously a task, but now, with emerging trends, we have plenty of options available for getting APK files. You can download APKs from the Google Play Store, third-party app stores, and through APK extractors as well. I hope you don’t find any disappointment in the APK download. Even after explaining such things, if any users still have questions, feel free to ask them below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can I download APK files to my computer?

Ans. Use any Android emulator and download APK files on your PC.

Q2. Does a third-party app harm our device?

Ans. It depends on what version of that third-party app you are using. If you are using an incompatible version, then it will harm you.

Q3. What are the other ways to extract APK files?

Ans. You can use an ES file or DirectX to extract an APK file.

Q4. Which Android phones can run APK Mirror and APK Pure-like apps?

Ans. Your phone must have at least the Android 5.0 version to run such apps.


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