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How to Install Godaddy SSL Certificate for Free – Zero SSL: LetsEncrypt Cpanel installation cPanel

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Hey what’s up guys, there were a lot of beginners out there who don’t really know about the importance of HTTPS. Meanwhile, It is directly linked to security and verification likely “Install SSL Certification hosting.” Most likely, the users were using the GoDaddy hosting.

Today we are going to share a bit of knowledge on “How you can install SSL Certification on GoDaddy.” It is quite easy and simple to perform to ensure that you have followed the guide carefully. Therefore, you can install the SSL certificate for free and within a minimum of 15 Minutes. So, let’s ride into this.

How to create an SSL certificate for Free

First thing first, you need to create your SSL certificate before installing it on your website. Follow the simple steps mentioned below. Ensure that you have active internet connectivity.

  1. First, open the website on your browser.
  2. Login with your account or create the account if you have not registered yet.
  3. Then, click on “New Certification.”
  4. Now, enter your Domain name without www and HTTP.
  5. If you need 1 year, then you need to purchase Premium members, if not continue with 90 Days.
  6. Click Next, and at last, you will get your free certification.
  7. That’s it, click on the “Create” button to create certification, and continue with verification and installation.

Verify your Domain for SSL Certificate using ZERO SSL

Here, you need to verify your identity for an SSL Certification, and It also seems to be quite easy. Meanwhile, here we are going to approach the less risky, Easy and probably error suggesting below starting from the next windows, But first, you need to Open your GoDaddy account on your browser.

  1. Here, first, you need to open your GoDaddy cPanel.
    (You can open from your GoDaddy products > Web Hosting, select your Hosting > Click on manage > Click on the cPanel button placed on the upper left corner of the display.)
  2. Now, Open your File Manager and after opening enable the hidden file (Dot Files) from the setting placed on the upper left corner.
  3. Then after head over to the public_html there create “.well-known” folder and inside it create “pki-invalidation” folder.
  4. Now, Back to the ZeroSSL Domain verification page. Select the  HTML File upload, and download the file using the first link in the sub-menu.
  5. Then, Inside the pki-validation folder, upload the download file.
    (That file is a Http authentication file in a format of Html.)
  6. You can check using the last link in that sub-menu, click to check the status of a file has been uploaded correctly or having an error.
  7. If there isn’t show anything check the file name, If it reverts the key then just click next.
  8. That’s it. Click on verify.

Install the Certification on your Website

Everything is almost done. All you have to do is to install the certification on your server. Follow the steps carefully. Now, You need to download and install a certificate.

  1. Here on ZeroSSL Page, Your certification has been ready all you need to do is to download. You need to select the Apache formate for your GoDaddy hosting and then click on download.
  2. After that, Open you Godaddy cPanel and scroll a bit until the SSL/TLS menu appear.
  3. Now, select the last option for the manage SSL Sites and then.
  4. Select your domain in which you want to install the certification.
  5. Then after, the certification that you have download simply extract that file.
  6. After then, Select the Certification file and open it with notepad. Copy the text and past into the first column of certification menu on Godabby.
  7. Follow the same step, Open the Private key in notepad and then copy/paste into private 2nd box. After that Open the CA bundled in Notepad Copy/Past into the last column open for CA bundle.
  8. In the end, click on install certification and confirmation your certification has been installed.
  9. You can verify from the ZERO SSL by clicking next and then verify.
  10. That’s it.

Check your website, Not to mention you can again install the certification after 90 Days. All you have to do is to replace the certification and the authentication file from your Files manager. Hopefully, this really helps you a lot. Thanks for being with us. We would like to know your valuable opinion and feedback. If there is any query share with us in the comment section down below, stay tuned for more further updates in future on same.


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