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The US launches for real-time Heatwave to prevent death and heat-related illness

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This year, the US is facing a severe heat wave, and to ensure the safety of its citizens, the US government launched a new website ( to show the real-time conditions of the heatwave in their area. They have also included tools to beat the heat and avoid serious heat waves. To ensure there won’t be any misinformation about the extreme heat and to avoid taking precautions against heat-related illness and death, heat kills more people in the US compared to any other weather disaster. On the other hand, summer affects people differently from person to person.

The website’s primary goal is to provide actionable information that helps citizens navigate risk. Deaths from a brutal heatwave can become potentially avoidable by taking precautions, which include avoiding physical activity outdoors and keeping your body cool by taking shelter.
Officials are asking people in the US to be prepared for more extreme heatwaves and, after the weather, likely a significant storm.

You can check the Health Index and the forecast to stay up-to-date with all pieces of information. Check these cities with the highest rating for heatwaves and the number of emergency departments that visit healthcare for heat-related problems. Currently, more than 39,000,000 US citizens (1 in 10 people) are experiencing extreme health alerts. Half of the US population is under a health advisory, and the weather is predicted to rise more in the upcoming days. Due to global climate change getting higher, the US is projected to have 8.7°F by the end of the century. Not to mention, such conditions will become more frequent with climate change.

American forecasters have warned about the dangers of dehydration and exposure due to the dangerously high temperatures. The National Weather Service and local officials have urged people to stay indoors and avoid strenuous activities in the scorching weather. Several cities have issued heat emergencies and opened cooling centers in public buildings. State authorities have also urged people to take advantage of public pools. And they have asked you to leave the pool every 10 minutes to find shade and avoid dehydration.


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