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Google takes action against a developer who promoted their game with sexually graphic advertisements.

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As one of the online service providers constantly concerned with the customer experience and aiming to deliver the finest service possible, Google is a good example. Recent examples include posting a screen recording of a game that was downloaded from the Google Play Store by one of the site’s most notable users. Interestingly, the screen recording revealed that after finishing every level in a free game available on the Google Play Store, the game displays sexually explicit advertisements.

Google also appropriately delisted the game from its website to take action against it, and the game’s developers were suspended due to this move. Meanwhile, Google returned the person who was subjected to sexual advertisements to his or her previous state. As a result, users who wish to know the situation’s specifics should read the article below. This article will discuss the Google-delisted Luv Interactive game in greater detail. The Google Play Store promotes sexually explicit advertisements, and this is against the law.

Luv Interactive Game was delisted by Google because they were advertising their game in sexually explicit advertisements.

The Google Play Store offers a vast selection of games, some requiring in-app purchases and others completely free. However, among the games that are available for free, there are several that are primarily intended to advertise other games. To mention a couple of examples. Recently, a well-known Twitter user shared a tweet with a screen recording from his phone. He is purportedly engaged in a game titled “Luv Interactive Game,” which displays sexually graphic advertisements as he is involved in the game. To be more specific, anytime you accomplish a level in the game, you will be confronted with sexually graphic advertisements.

Furthermore, to rid the Google Play Shop of undesired games, the company’s executives removed the Luv Interactive game from the store. They also suspended the developer’s license who had placed these types of advertisements in their game as a result. Meanwhile, it demonstrates that Google is constantly concerned with providing its users with the greatest possible content.