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How Google Fuchsia OS: The Death of Android Explained and Downloaded

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Android doesn’t need an introduction; it is a very powerful open-source operating system. But think differently when working on a new open-source operating system named Fuchsia. Let’s take a look and learn what Fuchsia is all about. Before you go ahead, you should know what a kernel is. A kernel is the core of an operating system. Which provides a basic mechanism around which device OS can be built, whereas Android is based on a Linux kernel.

One operating system for everything. All you need to know about Google’s new Fuchsia OS.

Google initially built the operating system for a digital camera, which means it is not made for mobile devices. Mobile manufacturers apply their custom skin to the Android device. This time, the kernel is completely based on a new kernel, not to mention its design for a smart ecosystem. Which later helps connect a wide range of smart devices. It works almost everywhere, from smartphones to fridges, and ends at traffic lights.

Google Replaces the Name of the Kernal on Android with Zircon, Which Means Single OS Helps a Completely Seamless Integration Between Them. The worst part of Android is fragmentation. This is why your devices can’t perform as well as their hardware is capable of, and it is the reason why updates are so late because they are a combination of different Android kernels, storage, and drivers that are packed in slightly different configurations to reach a single device at the same time. To render these specifications, everything has to be decoupled manually from manufacturing.

Google doesn’t have control over its Android device platform. People experience Android on 95% of their devices. Manufacturers don’t care about their updates and maintenance, or it gives you two years of satisfaction with updates and maintenance. They do it because they have to sell their hardware and make a profit from it.

Fuchsia Made from Scratch Reminds Users to Make Simple, Clean, and Updates So They Can Regain Control over Their Software on Devices. Also, Google’s own Flutter software development kit means you can run Android app files on Fuchsia OS. Like Android, the app icon is on a single page, and for digital cameras, this Time Ever app is open on the same page as Windows, but not in a tile. The app runs on its own space on the same page and minimises the need to open Next From.

Google could be replaced by Fuchsia within 2 or 3 years. While Google is already testing Huawei, it has begun testing Fuchsia OS on the Kirin 970-based Honour Play. Let us Know, How much you are Excited towards Google’s New OS. Share your thoughts in the comment section. Stay tuned for more updates.


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