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How to Fix Divinity Original Sin 2 Connection Attempt Failed

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Divinity Original Sin 2 players have recently reported encountering the error “Connection Attempt Failed,” which prevents them from continuing the game. Today, I’ll share a guide to help you resolve this issue.

Fix: Divinity Original Sin 2 Connection Attempt Failed

You can check for various possible errors, so here are some quick guides that can help you troubleshoot.

  • Game Version
    • Ensure that you and your friends are using the same game version while playing.
  • Corrupted Windows 10 Profile
    • Sometimes the error occurs due to a corrupted Windows profile. Check for any unfinished files, or consider reinstalling or repairing Windows.
  • The game executable is blocked.
    • Check if your Windows firewall or third-party applications are blocking the game from accessing the internet.
  • Divinity Original Sin-Blocked Ports
    • Ensure that the game ports are not blocked and have the necessary access.

Update the game to fix the connection attempt that failed.

Updating the game on different launchers can potentially fix the error. Follow these instructions:

Update the game on Steam.

  1. Open the Steam client and head to the library.
  2. Open the game properties and click on Update.
  3. Check the checkbox for Automatic Update or download and install the update.
  4. Restart the game and check for the error.

Update the game on

  1. Open GoG and click on Owned Games.
  2. Right-click on the game icon and select Check for Updates.
  3. If any updates are found, download and install them.
  4. Restart the game.

Changing the Windows 10 profile

Although rare, changing the Windows 10 profile can fix the Connection Attempt Failed error. Here is a step-by-step guide:

  1. Open the Windows Run dialogue box using Windows + R.
  2. Enter ms-settings: other users and hit enter.
  3. Click on Add Someone else to this PC and confirm by entering your Microsoft account credentials.
  4. You can create a local account by clicking on I don’t have this person’s sign-in details.
  5. Click on Add a user without a Microsoft account.
  6. After finishing the on-screen options, restart your PC and use the new account to play the game.

Launch the game from EoCApp.exe (the Steam Launcher).

Instead of launching the game from the desktop launcher, you can launch it directly from the local files:

  1. Open Windows File Explorer and navigate to the game’s local file installation folder.
    • By default: Programme Files (x86) SteamLibrary\\\\ SteamApps\\\\common\\\\ Divinity Original Sin 2\\\\bin\\\\
  2. Find the EoCApp.exe file and right-click on it for extended options.
  3. Click on Send to Desktop or launch the game directly from there.

This might help fix many errors in your game. If this method doesn’t work, follow the next steps.

Verify the Integrity of Game Files (Steam and

Your game files may be missing or corrupted. Use the Verify game file integrity feature:

Verify the game file integrity on Steam.

  1. Open Steam and head to the library.
  2. Click on properties and choose Local Files.
  3. Select Verify the Integrity of the Game Cache.
  4. Confirm your action, and it will start scanning. If any files are missing or corrupted, it will download and install the updates.
  5. Once done, reboot your PC and try the game.

Verify the game file integrity on

  1. Open GoG and go to Owned Games.
  2. Right-click on the game icon to open an extended menu.
  3. Click on Manage Installation and select Repair Games.

This is how you can verify the integrity of the integrity of the game files on your game launcher.

Enable UPnP to Fix the Connection Attempt Failed

Modern routers use automatic port forwarding. If the game doesn’t support that port, enable the UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) feature directly from your router. You can also use manual port forwarding:

  1. Open your browser and enter one of the following addresses:
  2. Log in with your credentials and click on the Advanced or Expert option.
  3. Select port forwarding or NAT forwarding.
  4. Manually edit the ports and enter the Original Sin 2 port connections:
    • 23243-223252
    • 23253-223262
  5. Reboot your device and relaunch the game.

Hopefully, this guide helps you fix the error. For further queries, share them in the comments below. Stay tuned for future updates!


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