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Ad Blocker Apps for Android in 2024: Ad Guard, AdBlock, and More

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There are many methods to block ads on Android devices, and today we will share some of the best ad-blockers that you can download and install on your device to avoid ads. The best way to block ads on Android is to use private DNS. This is the easiest and simplest way to block ads on your Android device. It is also a great option because it is easy to set up and has minimal impact on your battery.

To use private DNS:

  1. Open device settings and go to Network & Internet.
  2. Go to Private DNS and select the private DNS hostname.
  3. Type “” and hit save.

This will block most ads on your device. The only downside is that it applies to your whole system, and there is no way to whitelist specific applications or websites unless you turn it off entirely.


NextDNS is another great way to block ads on Android. It gives you a custom hostname that you can type into the private DNS hostname settings. It is convenient because it does not require you to download any ad-blockers or apps and therefore has no impact on your battery.

To use NextDNS, simply sign up for an account. From there, you can also add extra security features to protect yourself from cyberattacks and threats. You can switch between different blocklists, such as Energised Adways, and even block your phone’s OEM from tracking you (Xiaomi, Huawei, Samsung, and other popular smartphone OEMs are on the list).

In the parental control section, you can restrict certain apps or websites from being accessed and schedule times when the blockage should be lifted for recreation. NextDNS also has an allowed list for certain domains that you don’t want to block. You can view analytics to keep track of the number of queries that are being blocked and the types of domains being accessed. Overall, NextDNS has everything you need, and you don’t have to download any additional apps or services.


AdGuard is a great alternative for those who want extra layers of protection but don’t mind the extra battery drain. It not only blocks ads in your browser and apps, but it is also the only ad blocker that removes the space where ads used to be, ensuring that articles and websites look cleaner. Other ad blockers may just leave a large blank canvas.

With AdGuard, you can whitelist apps that you want to ignore, apply DNS filtering with custom server selection, protect your personal information when you enable stealth mode, and apply HTTPS filtering for a better ad-blocking experience in your browser.

However, AdGuard does have some issues that people complain about. It won’t block ads unless you pay a subscription fee, although other ad blockers are free to use. It also consumes a lot of battery compared to others because it is constantly running in the background, processing your internet traffic. There are also privacy concerns since it processes all of your internet information, which means it can see all of the pages you visit.

RethinkDNS, Blokada, DNS66, and NextDNS

Similar to the apps mentioned in this article, they function in the same way. These apps check your DNS queries when you use the internet and block queries that come from an ad network.

RethinkDNS is a good option because it doesn’t require any subscriptions or in-app purchases, although it doesn’t remove whitespace where ads are supposed to be placed. It also comes with a firewall that lets you block any app from accessing the internet, either specifically for the app or for all apps when the device is locked. Keep in mind that this may interfere with incoming notifications. RethinkDNS has an active community where you can ask for help if you encounter any issues and receive regular updates.

Blokada is another good alternative with a more attractive interface that allows users to choose from a variety of different blocklists, including Energised, OISD, and Adaways. It also offers a wide range of DNS hosts to join, such as Cloudflare, Google, and Adguard. Like RethinkDNS, it has an active community on Telegram and receives regular updates.

DNS66 is the last alternative we recommend for an ad blocker that just uses DNS filtering, but we don’t see any benefits over the other ad blockers mentioned in this article. AdAway is an OG ad blocker that is well known. To take full advantage of it, you need root access, but there is an unrooted version that functions like other ad blockers, consuming a lot of battery. With root access, it doesn’t constantly run by editing the host files, so it doesn’t require filtering. It also blocks ads faster if your device is rooted.

In the end, there are tonnes of ad blockers available on the market, all of which vary in terms of features and functionality. If you have a new ad blocker that you think we should try, share it with us in the comment section below. Stay tuned for more updates in the future.


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