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Android Auto updated with WeatherRader

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Google has been continuously working on updating its Android Auto platform with multiple integrations of things like CoolWalker and others. The company has rolled out another update that is supported on Android 6 or higher. Undoubtedly, Android Auto has been exceptionally advantageous and upgraded with such valuable features lately on the car display.

It now helps you to stay focused, connected, and entertained with Google Assistant. Google announced yet another feature for Android Auto, bringing weather reporting functionality. WeatherRadar has worked with Google to optimize its service.

What’s new for you? It carries information on your panel that works on surveys of the area and the weather report. The company will track your car in real-time to update the weather according to your location and make it more intuitive. It will switch layers to see different types of maps accordingly.

Despite the app being so helpful, there is no extra utility to the existing Android Auto app. It would be more useful if they added weather forecasting; then, the WeatherRader on Android Auto would have a more notable advantage. You can download the apk from here, APKPure, or from APKMirror.


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